Emma Gets Muted On Wattpad For A Good Reason

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Emma: *on Wattpad* This story is stupid! *leaves a comment* This is trash.

Writergirl03: Then, don't read it. Simple. *mutes Emma*

Emma: *can't comment, due to being muted* What the? She muted me!

Magical_Taylor: Probably, because you were rude. She had every right.

Alan: Just read another book, if it doesn't suit your fancy.

peterwendypan: Exactly. What is your username on Wattpad?

Emma: It's coolcat2004.

Magical_Taylor: Noted! *quickly logs onto Wattpad, looks up coolcat2004, clicks on her profile, and mutes her* Done! She got muted twice today!

Clown_Don't_Stop: *mutes coolcat2004 for flirting with him*

Emma: No!!!!! Two more people muted me!!!

Magical_Taylor: I'm one of them! *smirks*

This story was written on Monday, June 28th, 2021.

A/N Emma deserves to be muted, not me! And, she has been muted for good reasons! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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