Forgetfulness In A North Carolina Thunderstorm

30 8 16

Charlotte, North Carolina

Clyde: Looks like we might be in for a storm soon, F!

Forgetfulness: What? No!!! I don't want it to thunder! *hears a rumble of thunder* Uh oh!

Clyde: See? A line of strong thunderstorms are moving into North Carolina! *sees a lightning bolt* Oof, did you see that?

Forgetfulness: *stammers* Yes! *hears a loud crash of thunder* Make it stop!! I hate North Carolina! The thunderstorms down here are too loud!

Clyde: That's just the way it is here, F.

Me: Agreed! I experienced North Carolina thunderstorms a lot! *hears a loud thunderclap* Whoa, that was a big one!

Forgetfulness: Help!!!!!!

Clyde: Coward!

This story was written on Wednesday, June 2nd, 2021.

A/N F is apparently scared to be in North Carolina, cause of the intensity of the thunderstorms! I been through several NC thunderstorms, and they are so intense, than the ones in Connecticut! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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