Yearbook Signing

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The last day of school just two days away, and everyone in Remmington High School, was getting their 2021 yearbooks. Mark got his, and his friends Joseph, Brad, Daniel, Sarah, Lexie, Priscilla, and Elaine signed his yearbook.

Joseph: Have a good summer!

Brad: Have an awesome summer, Mark! See you in September!

Daniel: Stay cool this summer, dude!

Sarah: Have a wonderful summer, Mark! You're a cool dude!

Lexie: Hey, cool dude! We had so much fun! We always had lunch together, and joked around a lot! Can't wait to see you again in September! Have a great summer!

Priscilla: Have a good summer. I am sorry if I acted like a total jerk to you.

Elaine: Have a fantastic summer, Mark! See you in Sophomore year!

Mark got even more people to sign his yearbook. He looked in the Freshman section, and saw his photo. Even the teachers and principal signed his yearbook.

When he got home, his parents wanted to see his yearbook.

And, he let them.

This story was written on Tuesday, June 8th, 2021.

A/N Yearbooks are a great to preserve memories of high school! I figured since a lot of people are getting out of school for the summer, I'd write this! Getting into the current swing of things! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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