Thunderstorms In New Jersey

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New Jersey Turnpike Southbound

Me: *on a bus full with people*

Bus Driver: *driving on the NJ Turnpike* Looks like we're about to get a storm!

Lightning bolts, and loud thunderclaps.

Woman: Whoa, did you see that?!

Man: I sure did!

It rains heavy, and visibility is greatly reduced.

Bus Driver: *driving in slow traffic* This storm is a doozy! *driving towards the Molly Pitcher Service Area*

Me: This is so intense!

A big thunderclap is heard by everyone on the bus.

Woman: Whoo! That was big!

Bus Driver: *pulls into the Molly Pitcher Service Area* Everyone, get on out, and get some food, and use the facilities! Hurry! This rain is so intense!

All Of Us: *getting off the bus, and rushes into the service area out of the rain*

Me: *somewhat soaked* This is some nasty weather here in Jersey!

Man: You're telling me!

Me: *gets some food from Roy Rogers*

Man: *does the same* Hopefully, this storm will let up!

Me: *eating my chicken* I hope so, too!

Time skip......

Bus Driver: *driving on the NJ Turnpike towards Hightstown Freehold*

The storm has ended, and the sun comes out.

This story was written on Monday, June 14th, 2021. (Flag Day)

A/N Whoa!!! That was quite a storm!! New Jersey storms are so crazy!! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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