Out Of School For The Summer And It Feels Good!

17 4 10

Butternut Hollow

Middletown, Connecticut

Emma: *fishing with her shiny, black knee high boot on, with her red shirt, and dark blue jean shorts* This is the life! School is finally out! *whistling a tune while fishing*

SkittishReflections: *sighs* She better enjoy this. She better not screw around, when school starts again in September.

Me: Exactly. Life isn't all fun and games.

SkittishReflections: No, it isn't. Her bed is a mess. She didn't even bother to make her bed. She's so lazy. *shakes her head* Not to mention, that there are empty bags of Doritos on the floor.

Me: She needs to clean her room.

Alan: And, vacuum the floor.

Emma: Yes!! I caught a big one! *reeling the fish in* Being out of school rules!!!

This story was written on Friday, June 11th, 2021.

A/N Emma better enjoy this! Back to business in September!! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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