Forgetfulness Shut Up And Mind Your Own Business

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Forgetfulness: Why must you be wasting your time, writing stories?

Me: Writing stories isn't a waste of time! It's a creative outlet!

Forgetfulness: All you're doing is just wasting so much ink! And paper, I might add!

SkittishReflections: F, have you ever tried writing a story?

Forgetfulness: No.

SkittishReflections: You should try it, sometime. You have no idea, what you're talking about! Writing is so creative! I write stories too, so you got something you want to say to me, you can say it to my face! Well?

Forgetfulness: I feel like such an idiot.

Alan: That's because you are an idiot. Mind your own business, and shut up.

Angela: As a favor from all of us.

Forgetfulness: I have nothing else to say.

Craig: Good.

This story was written on Sunday, June 13th, 2021.

A/N F is totally wrong! Writing isn't a waste of time! It's a creative outlet! I enjoy writing so much, I'll never give up that passion! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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