Emma Cooks Dinner For Everyone

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Emma: Why do I have to cook for everyone? *cooking pasta*

Ken: An added punishment! Keep an eye on the water! When it starts to boil, you can add the shells!

Emma: Okay. *keeping an eye on the water, which starts to boil*

SkittishReflections: Keep an eye on it, Emma! Pay attention!

Emma: I am! *looking at the tv*

SkittishReflections: No, you're not! Look at the water! It's boiling! You can add the shells, now!

Emma: *opens a box of Prince shells and tosses them into the pot of boiling water*

Alan: Stir, every now and then!

Emma: I get it! *stirring the pasta*

SkittishReflections: Stir, till tender! Then, you can drain the pasta, then add sauce!

Emma: Okay. *still stirring* I hate this.

SkittishReflections: Quiet! You're cooking! You need to concentrate!

Me: Exactly!

Ken: There is parmesan cheese for all!

Angela: Cool!

Time skip......

Emma: *opens a jar of Prego Three Meat Sauce into the pasta and stirs* Dinner is ready.

Me: Yes!

Emma: *serves us our shells* Here. *sarcasm* Bon appetite.

All Of Us: Thank you! *eating our food* Delicious!

Emma: *sighs* This is the last time, I'm cooking for you guys!

Ken: No, it isn't! I'll say, when the last time is! Tomorrow, you're making mac and cheese!

Emma: Doh!

This story was written on Monday, June 21st, 2021.

A/N Emma sure has a lot on her plate! No pun intended! 😂😂😂😂 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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