Storms Approaching!

10 4 4

Northampton, Massachusetts

Tiffany: *playing video games*

Mother: *outside watching the clouds* Looks like a storm is coming!

Brian Lapis: This is a 22 News Storm Alert! A Severe Thunderstorm Warning has been issued for Hampshire County, until 5:30 pm! The radar shows some nasty storms moving out of the Berkshires towards Hadley, and Northampton! Lot of lightning, heavy rainfall, damaging winds, and even some quarter size hail can be anticipated with these storms. If you are outside, please head inside, immediately! Let these storms pass on through! Again a Severe Thunderstorm Warning is in effect for Hampshire County, until 5:30 pm! I'll have more on these storms and the weather for the rest of the week on 22 News at 5! We now return you to your regular programming.

Father: Darn!! *hears a rumble of thunder* Here it comes!

Tiffany: *hears the rumble of thunder from her window in her room* Uh oh..... *looks out her window* This doesn't look good.

Massachusetts Drivers: *driving with Massachusetts license plates, and put their windshield wipers on, as soon as the rain starts pouring down*

A loud thunderclap shakes the house.

Tiffany: Oof! That was a big one! *quickly closes her window*

This story was written on Wednesday, June 30th, 2021.

A/N A stormy time in Massachusetts right now!! 🌩🌩🌩🌩 When it thunders, head indoors! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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