Just Leave Him Alone Okay?

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Hispanic Girl: What are you doing speaking Spanish? You're messing my language up!

Me: I'm just learning.

Hispanic Girl: Jose is gonna beat you up, if you flirt with me!

SkittishReflections: Leave him alone! Anyone can speak Spanish! He isn't messing your language up!

Hispanic Girl: Yes, he is! He ain't Mexican, like me! He just a black dude, that messing the Spanish language up!

SkittishReflections: So? And, who is Jose?

Hispanic Girl: My boyfriend.

Magical_Taylor: Chill out, mamacita! Jose isn't gonna beat my buddy up! And, for your information, he just wants to learn Spanish! Okay, chica? Comprende?

Hispanic Girl: *says something rude in Spanish*

Magical_Taylor: *gets out the pen and sucks the Hispanic girl in it* Adios, mamacita!

Hispanic Girl: *getting sucked into the pen* No!!! Ayudame!!!!!!!!! Por que?!!!!

Me: Gracias, amiga!

Magical_Taylor: De nada, amigo!

Man: *plays Spanish guitar*

This story was written on Wednesday, June 2nd, 2021.

A/N That lady telling me off, cause she thinks I am messing up her language! I just want to learn Spanish! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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