Happy Birthday Carter!!!!!

18 5 28

Golden Corral

Springfield, Massachusetts


Carter: *stunned* Is that why Trevor had to bring me here to Massachusetts? I knew there had to be a reason! Thank you, guys!!!!

Trevor: No problem, dude! I wanted to keep this secret as much as possible! How old are you, now?

Carter: 35!

Me: Cool!!

Emma: Exactly, why did we come here to Massachusetts, just to celebrate his birthday?

Alan: Emma, not now!

Emma: It's hot up here, too!

Alan: Shut up!

Sword-Blackner: Come on, let's get some grub!

Carter: *gets some fried chicken, and pasta*

SkittishReflections: *gets some steak* Happy 35th Birthday, Carter! May you experience many many more!!

Emma: We should have stayed in Connecticut!

SkittishReflections: Remember, Emma, I got the pen! *takes it out* See?

Emma: Yes, okay?

Magical_Taylor: Don't push your luck, Emma! Get something to eat!

Emma: Uh huh. *gets some chicken, and mac and cheese*

Me: *gets some pizza, and soda*

Diane: Pizza lover dude!

Me: Yup!

Emma: Lame!

SkittishReflections: You have been warned, Emma! Time to be sucked into the pen!

Emma: Wait, I haven't ate my food, yet!

SkittishReflections: Oh well! I'll get you a doggy bag! I'll let you out of the pen, when we get back in Connecticut! Say bye bye! *sucks Emma into the pen*

Emma: *getting sucked into the pen* I'm hungry!!!!! Noooooooooo!!!!!!!!

SkittishReflections: And, that's all she wrote! No pun intended! *giggles*

Carter: *eats his food* Thanks again for the birthday wishes! Appreciate it!

SkittishReflections: Don't mention it, babe!

This story was written on Sunday, June 6th, 2021.

A/N Happy 35th Birthday, Carter!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 May you experience many many more!!! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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