Walking And Spotting A Dead Alligator

18 5 12

Butternut St

Middletown, Connecticut

Iris: *walking* Such a beautiful day!

Brian: Very much so! What could be better? *walking*

Steven: *walking and sees a dead alligator on the side of the road* Look at that!

Iris: Oh my gosh! A dead alligator!

Brian: Now, there's something you don't see everyday!

Iris: How did he get here, and how did he die?

Steven: No idea.

Girl: I'll be taking him, guys! Thanks! *drags the dead alligator by his tail into her house*

Brian: Hmm, okay...... This just got weird.

This story was written on Sunday, June 13th, 2021.

A/N Weird encounter, huh? Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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