Overnight Storms In West Virginia

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Holiday Inn and Suites Downtown Parkersburg

Parkersburg, West Virginia

Ken: *sleeping*

Ray: *sleeping and snoring*

A rumble of thunder is heard.

Ken: *still sleeping*

Ray: *still sleeping and snoring*

Another rumble of thunder is heard, loud enough to wake up Ken.

Ken: *is woke up by the sound of thunder* Uh oh. *gets up out of his bed, looks out his window, and sees a flash of lightning* Oof!

Another rumble of thunder.

Ray: What was that?

Ken: It was thunder, Ray. It's about to get nasty.

Ray: It should pass very quickly. Don't want to be up all night.

Ken: Yeah, hopefully.

A loud thunderclap shakes the hotel.

Ken: That was a big one! Here comes the rain!

It rains heavily.

Ken: It's probably a passing thundershower.

Time skip......

The storm has passed on by.

Ken: *sleeping again*

Ray: *sleeping and snoring again*

This story was written on Friday, June 11th, 2021.

A/N Whoa, that thunderstorm sure woke up Ken and Ray! Luckily, it was a passing thundershower, but it's very muggy in WV, and more thunderstorms can be expected for the day coming up! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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