Graduation Rehearsal

18 5 4

Cromwell High School

Cromwell, Connecticut

Intercom: May I have your attention, please? Will the Class Of 2021, please report to the auditorium, for graduation rehearsal? Thank you!

Joel: Let's go!

Susan: I am so excited to get out of this school!

Dylan: Me too!

Andrew: Can't believe we're gonna graduate tomorrow!

Ruth: We get our caps and gowns today!

Time skip.......

Harriet: Dylan Bennigan!

Dylan Bennigan: *rehearses for getting his diploma*

Harriet: Beatrice Cox!

Beatrice Cox: *rehearses getting her diploma*

This story was written on Thursday, June 10th, 2021.

A/N The Class Of 2021 has made it this far!!! Their parents will be so proud of them, during the ceremony! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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