Aaron Doesn't Like To Sweep

16 5 6

5 Guys

Washington St

Middletown, Connecticut

Aaron: *slacking off*

Florence: Aaron, can you please sweep the floor? There are peanut shells, everywhere.

Aaron: My back will be sore.

Florence: You were given something to do, and I expect you to do it! You want to argue with me, I can send you home, and your hours will be cut!

Aaron: Fine! *gets the broom and dustpan* Why can't Damien do it?

Damien West: What you say, brother?

Aaron: Nothing.

Damien West: You better do what you're told to do, you feel me?

Aaron: Yeah. *sweeps up the peanut shells* My back!

Florence: Quit your complaining, and do what you're paid for!

Aaron: Yes, Ma'am. *continues sweeping, much to his chagrin* Can't wait till my shift ends.

This story was written on Friday, June 25th, 2021.

A/N Aaron, you better shut your yap! Do what you're paid for! Otherwise, look for another job! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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