Hotel Problems

22 7 21

Petersburg, Virginia

Clarissa was staying at the Days Inn, located in Petersburg VA. She came from Knoxville, Tennessee. When she arrived in her room, the whole place was a mess. Popcorn scattered all over the beds and floor, empty soda cans on the table, and empty pizza boxes. The bathroom wasn't cleaned, either. The sink had hair all over, and the toilet wasn't flushed.

"What kind of person would leave this room all filthy, and not clean it up?" said Clarissa. "This hotel is gonna fail the health inspection!" Clarissa tried turning on the television, but there were no batteries in the remote, and the television wasn't working.

"Sweet mother of honey! I'm calling the front desk!" hissed Clarissa. And so, she called the front desk to make a complaint.

"Hello, front desk," said Janet.

"This is Clarissa Fortman, and the room I'm staying in is dirty! Popcorn everywhere, empty pizza boxes, and soda cans! And, the bathroom is all nasty! Toilet has not been flushed, and there is hair all over the sink!"

"I apologize, Ma'am," said Janet. "I'll send Pam up to tidy your room up, and clean the bathroom."

"I'm not finished! The television doesn't work, and there are no batteries in the remote!"

"Then, just watch some videos on your computer, okay?" snapped Janet. "Or, come down to the lobby and watch some television. I'll send Pam up right now." Then, Janet hung up on Clarissa.

"She is so rude!" scoffed Clarissa. "Some hotel, this is!" Then, a knock was heard on the door.

"Hi, I'm Pam. Janet sent me up to clean your room." She was an overweight woman, and smoked a cigarette. "Wait outside, please."

"Okay," sighed Clarissa. She stepped outside, so Pam could get everything cleaned up.

This story was written on Thursday, June 3rd, 2021.

A/N It's the housekeeper's job to make sure all the hotel rooms are clean, especially the bathrooms! 🙄 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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