Emma Got Settled By The Sailor

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Sailors: *singing* Over The Sea Let's Go Men We're Shoving Right Off......

Paul The Sailor: And, we are too. *sees Emma on the top of the ship*

Emma: *waving*

Paul The Sailor: *angrily* We're shoving off from home! Shoving off from home! *mopping*

Emma: Very sloppy, Roscoe!

Paul The Sailor: *chases Emma on the ship*

Emma: *hides and thinks she's safe*

Paul The Sailor: *beats her up and cloncks her on the head, knocking her out, with a clonking sound effect, and holds her by her neck, walking towards the edge of the ship to throw her out into the sea*

Emma: *being carried by Paul, her eyes closed and mouth closed*

Ship Captain: *walks on by*

Paul The Sailor: *salutes*

Emma: *salutes too, despite being knocked out and her eyes and mouth are still closed*

Paul The Sailor: *continues what he is doing and throws Emma off the ship*

Emma: *being thrown off the ship, towards the water, with her eyes and mouth still closed*

Paul The Sailor: *watches her fall towards the water and splashes, making him smile contentedly, and goes back to work on cleaning the ship*

This story was written on Monday, June 28th, 2021.

A/N This story is a reference to the 1942 Merrie Melodies cartoon, Conrad The Sailor, featuring Daffy Duck, pestering a sailor on a ship, all throughout the cartoon! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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