Nathan Just Keeps Getting Dumber All The Time!

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Nathan: The capital of Georgia is Macon.

Alan: Wrong, it's Atlanta.

Nathan: The capital of Japan is Beijing.

Bo: No! Beijing is the capital of my country! Tokyo is the capital of Japan!

Me: How can he be so dumb?

Po_writing1: Exactly! Just as dumb as Steven was!

Steven: What was that?

Po_writing1: Nothing, Steven!

Steven: You talking behind my back?

Trevor: Steven, chill out, man.

Steven: What did she say about me?

Trevor: I said, chill out, Steven.

Steven: Not until I find out what she said.

Trevor: Nothing personal, but this is for your own good. *beats Steven up*

Steven: *getting beat up*

Alan: That should help.

This story was written on Friday, June 4th, 2021. (National Donut Day)

A/N Nathan is just as dumb as Steven was! That set Steven off! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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