Melissa Has A Bad Case Of The Hiccups

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Melissa Hoon: *hiccuping*

Me: *trying to read a book*

Melissa Hoon: *still hiccuping*

Me: Go get a drink of water!

Melissa Hoon: Okay! *hiccup* I will! *hiccuping and gets a bottle of water, and drinks some* They're gone now!

Me: About time!

Melissa Hoon: *hiccuping again* Oops! *hiccup* I spoke too soon! *hiccup*

Me: Drink some more water!

Melissa Hoon: *drinks some more water to alleviate her hiccups* There! *hiccuping again* Noooo!!! *hiccup* Why me???? *hiccup*

Me: Oh well!

Melissa Hoon: *hiccuping to no end*

This story was written on Monday, June 7th, 2021.

A/N Sorry, Melissa! Guess you're gonna have to deal with them, the best you can! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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