Getting Some Cheese Popcorn For Everyone

13 4 12

Sunoco A Plus Mini Mart

Washington St

Middletown, Connecticut

Aaron: *walking into the mini mart* Why did Ree have to send me here to get cheese popcorn for everyone? *gets 6 bags of Smartfood cheese popcorn* I just got out of work! My feet are killing me!

Tony: Will that be all, sir?

Aaron: Yeah.

Tony: $13.82, please.

Aaron: *pays with a 20 and gets some change back*

Tony: Have a nice night, sir.

Aaron: You too. *walks out of the mini mart, and walks on Washington St, and walks left onto West St, going on the bridge, walks left onto Butternut St, walking past the playground, and walks left onto Thomas St, back to the apartment, with the bags of cheese popcorn* Trevor should do this next time.

This story was written on Friday, June 25th, 2021.

A/N Aaron got us some cheese popcorn!! We're gonna watch a movie! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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