Emma He Ain't Gonna Get In Trouble

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Emma: Hey, Damien! Want to get in trouble?

Me: No, thanks.

Emma: Want to rob a bank with me?

Me: I said, no.

Emma: Come on, it'll be fun!

SkittishReflections:Why don't you get in trouble, all by yourself, Emma? Damien isn't interested in criminal activity with you.

Emma: I just need a partner to help me rob a bank.

Alan: Which bank, exactly?

Emma: Bank Of America on Main St.

Alan: Rob the bank, by yourself! Besides, you're gonna get arrested!

SkittishReflections: Exactly! You want to be arrested, that's your choice!

Emma: Come on, Damien! I can't do this alone!

SkittishReflections: *gets out the pen* Time for you to be penned! *sucks Emma into the pen*

Emma: Noooooo!!!!! *getting sucked into the pen*

SkittishReflections: Damien, she is bad news! I can't see you robbing a bank! You're not that type of person!

Me: Exactly!

Craig: I'm starting to hate her, already! Even though, we just met!

This story was written on Sunday, June 13th, 2021.

A/N Emma sure wants me to get in trouble! I'll pass! She's been fooling around, and all of a sudden she wants to be a notorious crook? She should get sent to boot camp! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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