A Muggy Night

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Emma: Sure is hot. *gets a drink of water* I just want this humidity to go away.

Steven: *sleeping with the air conditioner on*

Emma: Mugginess, go away! You hear me? Go away! Begone! Vamoose! Scram! Beat it! Au revoir!

Ken: *gets woken up by Emma's rambling* Emma, who are you talking to?

Emma: Oh, I was just telling the mugginess to go away.

Ken: Emma, stop being silly, and get back to bed. Stop this nonsense. Good night. *goes back to bed*

Emma: I should have whispered, but I just wanted to make my voice heard.

This story was written on Monday, June 7th, 2021.

A/N Emma, quit being silly, and get back to bed! The mugginess cannot respond! 🙄 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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