Tess Wrestled An Alligator And Killed Him

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Me: Hi, Tess!

Tess: Hi, Damien! Look what I did!

Me: *sees a dead alligator in her arms* Whoa! Did you kill him?

Tess: I sure did! *holding the dead alligator in her arms* I wrestled him, then killed him, with a switchblade! He was trying to get the jump on me, but I was way too strong for him!

Me: I am so impressed, Tess! You did excellent!

Tess: *giggles* Thanks, Damien!

This story was written on Wednesday, June 23rd, 2021.

A/N Tess really wrestled that bad boy, huh? 😏 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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