Prom Night!

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Irene was at her Senior prom. A lot of people were there. Her prom date was Joshua Statler. It was a fun night for the Class Of 2021. Food, music, and dancing. Irene rode in a limo with Joshua. She was dressed up in all white. And, her hair was beautiful. Joshua was wearing a black tuxedo, and a red bowtie.

Irene got her prom pictures taken with Joshua. Smiles all around. This was turning out to be a fantastical night.

Irene was slow dancing with Joshua to some romantic music. A fun filled night, that would be remembered, well past Irene's graduation day, which was coming up real soon.

She would remember this for a while.

This story was written on Sunday, June 6th, 2021.

A/N Prom night for the Class Of 2021!!! A night to remember, that's for sure!!! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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