Fifty Three

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Jae's POV

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Jae's POV

My decision was meant to protect Taehyung. Instead, it risked his life.

He's not even waking up.

Just now, Jimin and I just saw the nurses rush out to phone hospitals to check if there are any bloods that have been donated that could be a possible match for Taehyung's blood.

He's losing a lot of blood. I heard the doctor and the nurses say that if they don't find a blood match on time, Taehyung won't make it. They're also considering surgery for him to remove the bullets, but they need a blood match first.

This is scaring me. I can't believe Mark and his gang did this to him. If I had known that Mark was plotting to kill him, I would have stopped all of this by breaking off the marriage. How could I have been so selfish?

Jimin and I have not moved from our spots since we got here.

The twins are sleeping over at Rave's house. They are confused over the whole scene that went down at the wedding but then cried later on.

I want to actually tell the twins with Taehyung that he's their real father, but Jimin suggests that I tell them on my own. He wants Taehyung to have a good surprise when he wakes up. What if he doesn't wake up? It'll be all my fault.

"Jae?" Jimin's voice snaps me out of my thoughts and I glance at him. "What are you thinking about so deeply?"

I shake my head. "Nothing, I just have a heavy feeling in my chest. I will never forgive myself if Taehyung doesn't wake up."

"What makes you think this was your fault? You didn't plot to kill him. Mark did. Taehyung's laying on that hospital bed fighting for his life, not because of you, but because of Mark." Jimin explains.

After listening to him, tears stream down my face. "But look where my decision put him. He was going to leave because of me. All due to the fact that I was lying about not being in love with him or having any kind of feelings towards him. I had no choice, I felt stuck. I had to protect him from Mark."

"Exactly." Jimin utters. "You did it to protect him from Mark. But that doesn't mean that he's in the hospital because of you. That doesn't mean he was attacked because of your decision. It's not your fault that Taehyung fell victim to Mark's sick, twisted game plan."

I sigh and wipe my tears. He's right. I have to be strong for Taehyung. I need to hold on to hope.

"Taehyung will pull through. He's a fighter. He's faced tougher challenges in life and overcame them. He will combat this one, too." Jimin assures me with a small smile.

I hope so. I really do.

Taehyung, please pull through. For your daughters, for Jimin, for your brothers. For me. Please.

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