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Jae's POV

I'm in the last lesson of the day, which is Maths and there's only a few minutes left until home time.

Suddenly I hear Taehyung mumbling from beside me. "Come on, you stupid clock..there's only two minutes left till we can go home. Make it quick, will you?"

I sigh and divert my attention back to the teacher.

Then I hear constant tapping of someone's pen from right next to me. I turn my head to the direction of the sound, only to see it's Taehyung. I roll my eyes and pay attention back to the board again, until I hear it again.

I look at Taehyung again with an annoyed expression on my face. So I speak quietly to him in an irritated tone, "Taehyung, stop that."

He turns his head and looks at me with a clueless face and asks quietly, "Stop what?"

"You know what I'm talking about. Stop tapping your pen on the table. It's so annoying." I reply while whispering.

He raise an eyebrow at me as he places his pen down on his table then he speaks quietly in a sarcastic tone, "Oh I'm sorry, Your Highness."

I roll my eyes and look back towards the front of the class, when I hear Taehyung tapping his pen on the table again.

I groan quietly and look at him again. "What's wrong with you? I told you stop."

"I'm only doing it just so time goes faster." Taehyung speaks in a eager tone.

"Taehyung, tapping your pen onto the table won't make time go any faster." I whisper.

After that the bell rings during the teacher's explanation and everyone cheers.

"You were saying?" He speaks with a smirk plastered on his face.

I send him my pokerface and then sarcastically smile at him.

He chuckles and shakes his head. He stands up from his seat with his bag and walks out with his friends.

I stand up from my seat with my bag over my shoulder and exit the class with the girls.

As I walk out of the school premises, all of a sudden, I hear chanting and cheering. I look behind me and see a huge crowd of people with their phones out.

"Oh no...please don't tell me it's another fight..." I speak out of worry and I walk towards the crowd of people and the girls walk beside me.

As I enter the front of the crowd, my eyes widen when I see who it is.

The new boy in our class is getting beaten up by the school's main bully again, who's also in our class, called Vane. The new boy's name is Minho.

Instantly, the crowd turns dead silent when Jungkook enters the scene and pushes Vane out of the way. Jungkook sends him a glare and then looks at Minho while he runs to him.

"Minho, are you alright?" He asks as he lifts him up and examines him.

Minho nods in fear and he bends down to pick up his study books.

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