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Jimin's POV
(The same day...)

I'm currently in the cinema with Jae, just like I wanted to do with her over the weekend. We both wanted to watch an action movie as we have watched too many romantic movies since we've dated.

Even now, I still can't take my mind off her words. "Taehyung and I are getting married."

I don't think I'm showing much interest in the movie like Jae is. I thought going to the cinema would help to divert my mind from it, but it's clearly not working.

Why didn't Taehyung tell me about this? I thought we were best friends?

Taehyung's POV

"I love you so much, TaeTae!" Bomi giggles loudly and hugs me.

I smile and hug her back. "I love you more!"

"By the way, I overheard Jimin and Jae's conversation about the marriage. It seems like Jimin will keep poking his nose in and will ruin our plan to hurt Jae." Bomi says, glancing at me with a serious look on her face.

I sigh and shake my head. "He won't. He's my best friend. He won't keep visiting when me and her are married."

"But I'm allowed to visit everyday, once you and her are married, right?" She asks with a small smile.

I smile at her and nod. "Of course you can."

"And you will make her suffer a lot, won't you?" She asks again.

"Yeah, obviously." I reply.

"Yes! This is why I love you!" She squeals and kisses my cheek.

I chuckle and hug her.

Jae better not have a problem with my girlfriend coming over. I'll make sure to fulfil Bomi's promise once Jae and I are married.

Jae's POV
3 hours later...

Now that I come to think of it, does Jimin actually agree with me and Taehyung having an arranged marriage?

I hope I haven't upset him.

I feel really bad for him now. He must be at home, crying or something.

Maybe I should just check up on him.

I take my phone out, dial his number and bring the phone to my ear. He then picks up after four rings. "Hello? Jae?"

"Hey, Jimin." I smile when I hear his voice.

Then I hear sniffles coming from the phone. "Hey, Jae. What's happened? Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, everything's....fine." I reply.

Just by hearing sniffles from him, I can instantly tell he has been crying. Oh my goodness, this is all my fault.

"You sure?" He simply asks with his voice slightly cracking.

"Yeah, but...Jimin are you alright? You sound like you've been crying." I sigh and shake my head. I have upset him.

"I'm perfectly fine! Why would I be crying?" Then he chuckles. "Honestly, Jae. You worry too much!"

He sounds too jolly over the phone. It's too obvious that he has been crying.

"Jimin, you're not lying to me, right? You sound like you have been crying. It's because of the marriage, right?" I ask, worryingly.

He lets out a deep sigh. "Jae...I told you I'm alright with it. At least you told me, that was a good thing and I'm so glad you did. I'm not crying over it nor am I upset. Don't worry."

"Are you absolutely sure?" I ask again, sounding unconvinced.

"Yes, Han Jaeyeon! I'm absolutely sure!" He answers with, again a tone of certainty.

I'm still not convinced. Even though, he keeps saying he's alright, I'll just leave it here. I don't want an argument starting. Plus, he will keep repeating he's alright when deep down I know he isn't.

"Well...okay. Now that we're on the phone, we might as well talk more, hey?" I add.

He sniffles before responding. "Yeah, I'm alright with that."

I giggle and utter a 'cool' and we both have a long lengthy conversation consisting of the past and other random topics.

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