Twenty Six

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A/N: Pls read the author's note after this chapter. Thank you💜



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Jimin's POV

"You should tell her, Jimin." Rave demanded.

"I can't. She'll be...heartbroken." I reply then sigh.

"I know but we can't keep her in the dark like this. She has the right to know." Rave says worryingly and shakes her head.

"I know she does..." I say hesitantly with my words trailing off.

"Sorry, Jimin. But if you don't tell her, then I will. I couldn't tell her because you said you would. But she still doesn't know." She adds, with a tear escaping.

I hug her close to me and kiss her forehead. "I will tell her, Rave. I promise."

"When?" She asks and sniffles.

"Before prom." I simply reply.

She nods and wipes her tears away.

I just don't have the heart to tell Jae that I've moved on.

Jungkook's POV

"What was that, again? I wasn't paying attention." Haechan speaks with a clueless expression.

Ace facepalms before shaking her head. "I must have explained this, at least five times."

"It's alright, Haechan. Even I don't understand this topic." I intervene, giving him a brotherly pat on the back.

He nods and high fives me. "By the way, are both of you going to prom?"

I say, "Yes."

"No." I hear Ace answer.

I frown and glance at her. "Why are you not going?"

"I told you that the party was the only place that I would attend. Plus I don't like crowded places. That's it." She replies.

I pout while staring at her with cute eyes. "Please, Ace..."

"Haven't you already got a date for prom? I thought you're taking Eve." She says, with her arms folded.

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