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Third Person's POV

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Third Person's POV

Only a few days later, tensions had been rising between Jae and Mark. At times, he would aimlessly demand for answers — maybe too demanding.

Jae would be considering wanting to be with Mark or not. His unexpected change in behaviour irked her. His abrupt aggressiveness began when Taehyung returned.

Mark was feeling paranoid but at the same time, he would be producing mental plans. From time to time, he pondered on how to get rid of Taehyung for good.

Throughout the course of a few days, Taehyung tried calling Jae numerous times but she didn't pick up. She was doing it for him and his safety. She was rather scared of the man that Mark's becoming and she wasn't liking it at all.

Meanwhile, Mark would continually question the twins about Taehyung, due to which they respond with "who's that?" Or "we no know him?" "Is he your friend?" This had mounted Mark's suspicions. Jae told the twins beforehand (before Mark came to know about Taehyung's return) to keep it a secret from Mark as he won't be happy about this. She knows Mark hates Taehyung as it is and she doesn't want her kids being hauled into this feud that Mark has with Taehyung.

Little does Taehyung know that Mark is watching him, once again.

A short elucidation about Mark — whilst Taehyung was visiting Jae and the kids behind his back:

Mark works as an investigator as part of his daily career. He's very passionate about his work and takes it very seriously. He has his own group of investigators while he is the leader, so whatever assigned task he gives to the members of his group, it has to be followed, no matter what.

On his office desk, he keeps a joyful family photo frame of himself with Jae and the twins. He finds that staring at the photo gives him the drive to work harder. He loves Jae so much — maybe too much. This type of love he has for her is more than desire, you could say obsession, but in his mind, it isn't obsession. It's more along the lines of 'addiction'.

He's always had those type of feelings for her ever since high school. Whoever stood in his way in trying to gain Jae, he would be infuriated and deals with them later on. In his own way.

He's wanted Jae all to himself. She felt like a valued possession to him. The thought of losing her would make him snap.

"Good job, Bomi." He praises her with a sneer.

"Thank you, boss." She proudly smiles and removes her disguise.

He chortles and places his phone down, resting his hand on her waist as he lets out a soft exhale. "I love it when you get my jobs done."

"Well someone has to, at least, display some initiative around here. Everyone else in this place is just so laidback." She quirks an eyebrow and relaxes her hand on his arm.

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