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To all those readers who still continued to send me threatening, demanding and aggressive messages regarding updates despite me addressing it so many times:

Thank you so much for making me cry again. It truly opened my eyes and made me realise how some readers here actually don't, won't and never will understand my circumstances as to why I can't update. I feel so forced to update now and you all just don't understand the message or get the hint!! Tell me, what part of those messages do you not understand? Despite me putting up an author's note chapter about it and mentioned it in the previous update (chapter 48 — and the comments there are annoying) about my lack of updates — to please understand and cut me some slack. But you don't care, you just dismiss/disregard my notes and just want your updates without thinking about my life and my health. Honeys, I do have a life outside of this app as do all of you. I'm a human like you all.

So I just wanna thank you once again for making me cry and upset because you all don't understand a simple message and still proceed to send me hate. Thank you for making me feel pressured to update and forcing myself to update from now on. Thank you for being childish and for being one of the reasons why I've fallen ill because of your hate messages.

To my true readers:

Please don't be mad at me for updating forcefully. Some people just don't understand simple words like:
"I'll update in my own time." "I have a life outside of this app." "I have a family to look after" etc. They see it as excuses and then proceed to send me hate. They get butt-hurt over those replies.

I'm sorry if the chapters will look and feel forced. I'm helpless now and people will never truly understand your situation, no matter how many times you tell them. All they want is updates and nothing more. They truly don't care. 💜

Thank you for being so supportive and loving. Please understand it's hard to ignore those messages especially since I receive them every single day at every few hours. 🤍

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