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Jae's POV

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Jae's POV

Suddenly I feel the rain drizzling which gradually turns heavy.

As the raindrops cascade heavily, I twirl around in the rain with a huge smile on my face. I've always loved the rain. Sometimes rain reduces my tension.

The droplets of the rain fall on my face.

I spot Taehyung walking towards me with a smile. Once he reaches, he stops in front of me and extends his hand out for me to hold. I hesitantly accept his hand and he instantly brings me close to him with my body hitting his chest. His arm wraps around my waist and his other hand intertwines with mine.

He gazes at me and starts twirling me around, looking like we're dancing in the rain. The energy between us is exuberant that we laugh and mess around in the rain. We jump into puddles and kick water at each other. This is what we could have had — a relationship like this.

After what felt like forever of just playing in the rain together, Taehyung stops and pants a little. "Come on, Jae. Let's go home."

I stop and glance at him with a pout. "That's not fair."

"Jae, you'll catch a cold. Not to mention it's freezing." Taehyung replies as he rubs his arms, indicating how cold he is.

I nod in reply, taking my coat off and lift it over our heads, using it as a shield.

"Actually, instead of heading home, let's just find a nearby hotel somewhere and dry off. Then we can go home in the evening, yeah?" He suggests.

"Alright. Let's go." I reply. He motions me to walk with him, so I do.

We both enter his car and he drives to the nearest hotel he can find. I shiver and wrap my coat around myself, trying to keep warm.

Taehyung glances at me and notices that I'm shivering, so he switches on the heating in his car and turns it to my direction whilst driving with one of his hands on the steering wheel.

"Th-Thank you." I thank him through my chattering teeth.

He smiles. "No need to thank me. I don't want you catching a cold."

Once we reach, he parks outside the hotel. He turns the engine off and we unbuckle our seatbelts. He exits the car first. I see my door opening, revealing Taehyung, holding the door open for me. I smile and step out of the car. I thank him and he returns a smile, closing the passenger door behind me.

Taking our shopping bags out of the car's boot, we then hastily make our way into the hotel. He links my arm with his and we walk to the front desk together. He books a room for us and the woman hands us the key to the room. We thank her and make our way into the lift.

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