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Another autumn arrived.

Two sets of footsteps crush the rustling leaves, releasing the smell of the earth. Taehyung and Jae walk together hand in hand as if they are inseparable. They laugh and reminisce about the cute moments they had together in the past.

As they approach the bench, they are welcomed by a waterfall of leaves cascading down. They sit. They exchange glances. He gazes into her eyes, whilst he stares at her beautiful features, thinking how lucky he is to have her in his life. Her hair blows in the wind reflecting the colour of autumn leaves.

Taehyung gently takes her hand and states that he has a surprise waiting for her. He covers her eyes with his hands and leads her towards the woods.

She smiles nervously wondering what the surprise might be. He tells her to keep her eyes closed. She does as he says but her ears are pierced with the sound of crispy leaves crunching.

When he tells her to open her eyes, she sees him down on one knee with diamonds shining from the rays of the sun cushioned in a small elegant box. Her eyes enlarge and is rendered speechless at his sudden action.

Taehyung then proceeds with his proposal while he gives a loving countenance. "I've been wanting to do this for a long time, but properly. I know these past few years haven't been great for us. There have been obstacles, hurdles and many challenges that we've had to face, but we overcame them. At least it led me back to you and I finally succeeded in winning you once again. This relationship we share, I want it to be eternal, so I can cherish you, hold you, look at you so fondly and tell you how beautiful you really are, every single day. I want to treasure you forever and I promise my love for you until my last breath. You're still the love of my life. My first love, my world, my everything. You're the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. The one I want to grow old with. The one I want to spend my last moments with. So, Han Jaeyeon, will you marry me and be my Mrs Kim again?"

Tears fall from Jae's eyes as she feels like the happiest woman alive. She collapses on her knees beside him and exclaims, "Yes!" Taehyung smiles brightly and pulls her up to her feet. In seconds, he slips the ring on to her finger.

He picks her up and twirls her around. Then they share a passionate kiss.

After what felt like forever, they pull away from the kiss. They embrace and ran off, playing around the tree, giggling giddily.

My Perverted Husband has now come to an end.

My Perverted Husband has now come to an end

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I know this ending is quite short but that was my intention since the previous chapter was also considered an ending (part 2) and it's sort of long but not very short, so in order to give the story an official proper conclusion, what better way to do that than to write a mini final chapter scene about the pair. I decided to give this a sweet ending after everything they've been through.

Fun fact:
I actually wrote this ending in my creative writing class four years ago but at that time I didn't link it with this story at first. I just envisioned a pair who have always loved each other, just having a great day out together. Until a sudden proposal was thrown in, to make it extra sweet. Next thing I knew, reading back at the finished piece, I realised that this could be the perfect ending for this story so I added it into my planning.
Believe it or not, I actually passed this writing piece with an amazing grade.

So that's how I decided to give this story the ending it deserves. But this ending was planned since 2018, a year after I first published this story. Yeah, this story was sitting in my drafts for 4 years.

I just wanna say thank you for your endless love and support. This story really took time for me to finish but you all were so patient throughout the entire journey and I really can't thank you all enough. I published this book back in July 2017 and now it's finally finished. This book is at the position it is today because of you guys. Not because of me, but because of you. I hope you learnt valuable lessons in this book as well as the messages. Thank you for giving this book so much love. I did not expect the overwhelmingly amount of recognition and love it's received from you all. 💜 I can't wait to continue writing for you guys.

There are also important people I need to thank. I have such amazing sisters who have supported me since the start: Rave, Ace, Mira and Dee. If it wasn't for them, this book would not have been possible. Those girls have really had my back since day 1. They've taught me self-respect, helped me through the darkest times of my life, the reasons why I smile and why I'm still sane. They've been my motivation throughout the entire process and I wanna thank them all for believing in me. Words cannot describe the love I have for them. 🥺💜

I love you all so very much 💜💜💜 and thank you for your continued support and endless love. I am forever grateful.

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