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Third Person's POV

And so the game of truth or dare commences.

They all sit in a circle around the table with a bottle in the middle. Jae is seated in between Jimin and Rave, whilst Taehyung is seated opposite Jae.

"And the game starts...NOW!" Namjoon announces and spins the bottle.

The top of the bottle points to Hoseok and the end of it points to Mira. Hoseok glances at Mira, whilst she sends him an innocent smile.

"Okay Hoseok, truth or dare?" Mira asks.

Hoseok thinks hard and decides. "I'll go with dare."

Mira smirks when she already thinks of a dare for Hoseok, causing him to furrow his eyebrows in suspicion.

"I dare you to sit on Yoongi's lap for the next three rounds." She instantly speaks.

Hoseok widens his eyes in shock and glances at Yoongi, who's shrugging at the dare. Hoseok gulps, looking scared of what Yoongi might say. He then looks back at Mira with a poker face expression and utters, "I hate you."

She grins at him and replies, "I love you most."

Hoseok sighs and gets up from the chair, making his way to Yoongi and hesitantly sits on his lap. Yoongi shakes his head in disgust and face palms.

Everyone laughs at the pair and Namjoon spins the bottle again. This time the top of the bottle points to himself and the end of it points to Jungkook.

"Okay Namjoon, truth or dare?" Jungkook asks.

"Dare?" Namjoon answers, but immediately regrets it when Jungkook smirks.

"I dare you, to kiss Jin's cheek." And with that, Jungkook wiggles his eyebrows.

"Um, I thought this was supposed to be a friendly game of truth or dare?" Jin asks.

"Jin, you should know by now, that truth or dare is never friendly." Taehyung speaks up and glances at Jae with a sudden smirk plastered on his face.

Jae rolls her eyes and sighs. In Taehyung's mind, if Jae picked dare he already knows what to dare her with. If she picks truth, then he also knows what question to ask. However in Jae's mind, if Taehyung picks dare she knows what to do, including the same with truth.

Taehyung felt bored without Bomi there and he envied that Jae at least had her boyfriend there with her for this game. If only I could call Bomi over here. He thought.

Namjoon stands up and makes his way to Jin. He stands behind him, bends down and plants a kiss on Jin's cheek from behind. Both of them cringe whilst everyone else laughs at the pair. Jin and Namjoon glance at Jungkook with a look of disgust and say in unison, "I hate you."

"No you don't. You love me really." Jungkook replies with a proud smile.

Jae suddenly thought back to what happened this afternoon with Taehyung. Then she realised he must have created hickeys on her neck, so she discreetly starts to play with her hair and brings it to the sides of her neck, hoping that no one notices not even Jimin.

She is also sort of nervous as to how this game of truth or dare was going to go down, but in the end all she has to do is show bravery and confidence, right?

Towards the end of truth or dare...

Taehyung's POV

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