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Taehyung's POV

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Taehyung's POV

I slowly open my eyes and I'm welcomed by the sun reflecting on my face, causing me to squint and lift my hand over my eyes.

I glance beside me and see Jae wide awake, sitting on a chair and sewing up my prom blazer.

I frown and sit up. She immediately glances at me, puts my blazer down and helps me up. I gaze at her and she smiles at me brightly. "Good morning." She utters cheerfully.

"G-Good morning..." I reply, staring at her cluelessly.

"Did you sleep well?" She asks as she checks my temperature using her hand.

I nod. "Yeah."

"That's good. Are you feeling any better?" She questions again.

"I'm feeling a little better." I answer, looking down at my hands.

She smiles and sits beside me on the bed. "Oh that's good, at least you're slowly getting better. You can rest it off today, hopefully you'll be fully recovered by tomorrow."

"Yeah, I hope." I sigh.

She smiles. "Go to the bathroom and freshen up. I'll make breakfast and bring it here for you, okay?" She suggests.

I nod and try to get up, having support from Jae. Once I straighten myself up, I walk to the bathroom but stop in my tracks. I turn around and face her, causing her to frown slightly. "Thanks."

"What for?" She asks.

"For taking care of me." I smile slightly.

She smiles brightly and nods. "No problem."

After a few seconds of gazing at each other, I immediately make my way to the bathroom. I close and lock the door before I freshen up.

I feel bad now, she probably didn't slept all night. She was busy taking care of me.

I'll admit, her words from last night were soothing and comforting.

Judging by last night, I see the differences between Jae and Bomi. Bomi yelled at me while I was going through a coughing fit and being sick. Jae saw what I was going through yet she still helped me.

Bomi's always been like this but last night she was over-dramatic and took it too far. I won't speak to her until she apologises.

Once I finished freshening up, I exit the bathroom and see that Jae isn't here. She's probably making breakfast downstairs.

I take a seat on the bed and lean back against the headboard, closing my eyes.

Unexpectedly, a memory of the past appears in my mind. That specific memory which used to trouble and hurt me in the past.

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