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Jae's POV

"I now pronounce you as husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." The vows conclude.

He leans in and his lips linger over mine.

"I love you, Jae." He whispers.

"I love you too, Jimin." I whisper back.

As our lips are about to connect with each other's, a shout suddenly interrupts the moment.

"Jae, wake up! You'll be late for school!" Mum shouts.

I groan to myself. I was having such a great dream again, until Mum comes and spoils it once again. I sigh whilst getting out of bed and walk to the bathroom to freshen myself up.

After freshening up, I exit the bathroom and walk towards my bedroom door. My uniform is hung on the peg of my door, so I take it off the peg, strip myself out of my night clothes and get changed into my uniform.

Then I walk towards my dressing table. I look at myself in the mirror and get myself ready. I apply a simple make-up look on my face, such as mascara and lipstick.

I grab my hairbrush from my dressing table and I brush through my long, thick hair.

After I finally get myself ready, I walk towards my bed and crouch down to get my shoes and I slip them on.

Then I pick up my bag that laid on the floor beside my study table and I throw it over my shoulder.

I run downstairs and enter the kitchen, only to see my mother and father sitting down by the dining table, eating breakfast together.

I kiss my mother's cheek and then I run and hug my father. "Bye!" Then I exit the kitchen, but stop in my tracks when mum calls for me.

"Jae! You haven't had your breakfast!" Mum speaks.

I turn around and smile at her. "Mum! I'm not hungry!"

"You can't go to school on an empty stomach." Dad says sternly.

"Dad..." I groan.

"Jae, please!" Mum raises her voice.

I whine in annoyance. "Okay...fine..I'll eat something at school, then! Happy?"

"Good girl. Now off you go!" Mum shoos me.

I scoff whilst shaking my head and laughing. "Bye!" I shout while running out.

I hear both of them replying with a 'bye' at the same time. I run out of the house, closing the door behind me.

I stand outside my house, waiting for a certain someone to come and walk with me to school.

Suddenly I hear my phone beeping inside my bag. I slide my hand in my bag and take my phone out.

I smile when I see Jimin's name appear on the screen. I open the message and it reads:

Chim Chim❤️:
Jagi are you outside your house?😘

I smile and reply:

Yep, I'm waiting 😁❤️

After waiting for a few minutes, I suddenly flinch when I feel a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and a chin resting on my shoulder.

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