Thirty Five

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A/N: pls listen to the song attached above ^^
Thank you ♥️

A/N: pls listen to the song attached above ^^Thank you ♥️__________________

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Jae's POV

Flashback: 5 years ago.

Everywhere I went, I would see them. Everywhere.

Outside my house. In a cafe.

Even in the park nearby.

Like I said, everywhere I went, they were always there.

Placing my hand over my stomach, I close my eyes and try to fight back tears that were threatening to escape.

Stop, Jae. He doesn't love you. He never loved you. Enough of the jealousy already. You can move on.

But no matter how hard I try to convince myself, it just doesn't work.

Till this day, I still don't know the reason why he hurt me.

"Jae?" I hear Rave utter my name, causing me to snap out of my thoughts.

I wipe my tears away and glance at her. "Yes?"

She stares at me with concern written on her face. Giving me a side hug, her cheek rests on my shoulder and she sighs. "You're thinking about Taehyung again, aren't you?"

I nod. "Yes. I am."

Her palm rubs my arm in reassurance and comfort. "You'll get through it. I know you can."

"How? I can't do it, Rave." I reply as tears fall.

"We can get through this together. You, me and the girls." She says, smiling.

"And how do we do that?" I ask, glancing at her with red eyes.

She looks away and holds a thinking expression on her face. Then her face brightens up when she already thinks of an idea. "How about moving away? Start your life afresh somewhere else. To a place where you won't have to see his face and that plastic's face everyday."

I chuckle tearfully. "Yeah I guess you're right."

"I think it's about time you moved on, Jae. You deserve so much better. The girls and I are so worried. Even your mother is. If you keep holding on that pain, it'll continue to hurt you for a very long time. Plus, you have to think about the unborn baby that's arriving soon." She suggests.

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