Twenty One

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3rd Person's POV

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3rd Person's POV

Jae lays on her bed and stares at the ceiling with tears continuously falling. She just lays there and contemplates about everything. Even life in general. Taehyung's behaviour had shocked her ever since they got married. His attitude was getting worse including his actions. Why does he hate me so much? She wonders. She also wonders about how everyone's lives would be like if she was gone. Forever.

Then she lets out a sigh.

Along the way, she developed some sort of feelings. Feelings towards Taehyung and it's somewhat scaring her. How can she develop feelings for the same person who caused her pain, emotionally and physically? Her mother was right. She will eventually fall in love with him during marriage — that's exactly what's happened. She wants to push away those feelings, but she can't.

Although her and Taehyung are not speaking to each other properly, he still hurt her. Emotionally and physically. Even though he felt a little guilty the other day. The more they drifted apart from each other, the more Jae's feelings for him grew — which is also what's scaring her.

Normally, Jae wouldn't care about the distance between Taehyung and herself, but this time it's hurting her. She's also scared by this. She knows why it's hurting her from inside.

She doesn't know what to do. She's tried pushing these feelings away, but they just keep coming back. Images and memories of just Taehyung are stuck in her head. She didn't mean to suddenly develop feelings for him, but she did.

All she has to do is not tell him, that's all. According to her, that's a simple thing to do, right?

Jae's POV

The school suddenly emailed us our exam timetables. Exams begin this week. I hope they go smoothly for me and for the girls as well as the boys. Even for Jimin... and...Taehyung...

Then I remember I have to prepare food for tonight's dinner.

I make my way to the kitchen but stop abruptly in my tracks when I see Taehyung and Bomi snogging. My heart hurt a little just watching the scene before my eyes. I brush away the sensation by shaking my head in disgust and just wait until they finish.

Why are they always kissing or screwing everywhere in the house? It's my house too! My poor ears and eyes!

I clear my throat and they both instantly pull away, smirking at each other. He kisses her cheek and utters, "I'll be back in a few minutes.", before he makes his way upstairs.

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