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{Christmas Special chapter}

(The next day...)

Jae's POV

Currently in a lesson right now, with a cold yet annoying boy sitting beside me, who happens to be my future husband.

It's almost end of the school day and I've noticed that Jimin didn't turn up to school today. What's wrong with him? He didn't phone me nor have I had any messages from him.

I spammed Jimin with a lot of messages, but I've had no replies. Not a single one. Maybe I should go and visit him after school.

I glance at Taehyung only to see him so concentrated his phone from under the table. I roll my eyes, thinking he could be messaging Bomi.

"I know I'm handsome, but you can't check me out. Only my girlfriend can." He emphasised and smirks.

This vain brat, I swear.

"What makes you think I was checking you out? I'm not interested in you, whatsoever." I roll my eyes and shake my head.

He locks his phone and glances at me, tilting his head. "Admit it, Jae. I am handsome."

"I won't admit it because that's not what I was thinking." I respond sassily.

He shrugs and raises an eyebrow. "Fine, but your mind will change once we're married."

My eyes widen and I quickly clasp my hand over his mouth, indicating him to quiet down. "Shush, will you? Someone will hear us."

He rolls his eyes, placing his hand let mine and takes it away from his lips. "Well, everyone will get to know eventually. Just saying."

I grit my teeth in anger and look away from him. Are you seriously telling me that I'll have to put up with him whilst we're married?

Ugh! Can this lesson just finish already so I can go home?

Taehyung's POV

Suddenly, my phone starts vibrating against my lap. I look down at my phone and see a message from my father. I unlock my phone, open the message and read:

You're going to Jaeyeon's house after school, which means both of you are going home together.

I furrow my eyebrows with a shook face as I read the message. Is he frigging serious? I was supposed to go to the arcade with the boys after school.


What's so important that I have to suddenly go to Jae's house? I feel like I'm not making time for my girl and my friends just by having regular meetings with Jae and her family, now.

My phone vibrates again and see another message from my father.

Don't ask. Just do as you are told.

I sigh and don't bother replying. I lock my phone and slide it inside my pocket.

I let out a little scoff. And to think that this witch beside me is going to be my wife. Why did it have to be her and not Bomi?

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