Rave & Jimin | for confused readers...

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...and for the ones who jump to conclusions. 😐(And assume stuff).

( a side chapter )

Elucidating Rave and Jimin's situation (the night of the party and the days after the party):

On the night of Namjoon's party, Jimin refused to attend. He did not want to face Jae. His mother had told Jimin to let Jae go, because dating a married woman is wrong. She even explained that Jae will eventually fall in love with Taehyung during marriage so it's wrong for Jimin and Jae to continue being together whilst she's still married.

This mentally affected Jimin, which is why he isolated himself from Jae.

Rave arrived at Jimin's house that night and she knew he needed comfort, which is why she didn't turn up to Namjoon's party. Jimin explained to her that he wanted his feelings to be considered. He conveyed to Rave about what his mother had said about letting Jae go. Forever.

Jimin also discloses (to Rave) that it's been affecting him so much that it's making him unwell but he's concealed it very well because he didn't want anybody to worry. He disliked the fact that Jae was married to his best friend, who's more of a brother to him, and that it should have been himself instead.

It was just a night of deep, emotional conversations. Nothing further took place.

Elucidating the events that took place the same week:

Rave visited Jimin's house everyday after school to check up on him. Worry, mingled with concern, was getting to the best of her. She was worried that Jimin would do something stupid.

Expressing their emotions to each other, pouring out their feelings and reminiscing memories helped them to grow closer and closer leading them to eventually becoming best friends.

Later on in the week, Jimin's health deteriorated and he fell very unwell (to the point where he almost felt very depressed). Rave went to visit and check on Jimin again, as his parents were away for the weekend, and she took care of him.

Jimin noticed how Rave always took time out of her day to visit him — how she always made an effort for him. She was like his remedy. He noticed how much of an active listener she was.

For some reason, it made him feel better. She made him feel better. Jimin had a relaxed sensation within him, knowing that he has someone like Rave who he can speak to and he found solace in her. Giving up Jae and letting her go was honestly the hardest thing Jimin ever had to do. But he had to do it. Because like his mother said: dating a married woman is wrong.

A few days later — when Jimin visited Jae to tell her the truth behind his behaviour with her:

Jimin mustered the courage to speak to her. He didn't know how she'd react. The fact that she's married to someone he considered as his brother, who was practically his soulmate, had pained him. He concealed his state from Jae because he didn't want her to worry about him. He also thought she had better things to worry about and that he should be the last thing on her mind to perturb about.

Once he expressed his true feelings to Jae, he was very surprised at how calm she was about the situation. Little did he know about what was happening to her behind his back, though.

He couldn't comprehend Jae's reaction. He was expecting her to feel mad, angry or at least some sort of resentment towards him. But she didn't. The fact that Jae's sister, Rave, was making Jimin happy when she didn't, gave her a peace of mind. As far as Jae was concerned, at least he felt happier now, that's all that mattered to her.

Once they had talked it out, he received a phone call whilst he was still in Jae's house. It was from Rave. She asked Jimin if he spoke to Jae yet, which he confirms with her on the phone. This made Rave feel relieved but worried about her reaction.

Jimin concludes the phone call by convincing Rave that he will explain once he reaches home. He exits Jae's house and he made his way home. He contemplated on inviting Rave to his house again to explain the situation, to which she visited and he discussed his sudden visit to Jae's house and revealed his feelings.

As the days went by, Jimin and Rave grew closer. Became more than best friends. This made Jimin finally feel satisfied. He felt that maybe he could move on and find love again and he did — with Rave. They confessed and began dating after Jimin's visit to Jae's house, after he let Jae go. He felt, maybe this is what was missing. He finally fell in love again and this time without any worries. Rave became the reason behind Jimin's happiness, she guided him out of his suffering and taught him to be confident.

Rave was never a bad person to begin with and she certainly isn't now, nor will she ever be. Her intentions were always good and her love for Jae has always been genuine. A sisterly love and a bond that is real, inseparable and tied together with trust. Rave would never stoop so low and wouldn't ever betray Jae, especially behind her back because she's her sister and she means the world to her.

Author's note:

So to those who thought that Jimin and Rave were cheating, there's your answer. They didn't. They never had a one night stand, nor did they kiss nor did they date behind Jae's back. Rave would never let that happen because she comprehended that would hurt Jae as her and Jimin used to date before she ended up having her marriage fixed with Taehyung. Rave knew that having feelings for Jimin was wrong because he didn't break up with Jae yet. So Rave knew that her loyalties lied with Jae.

She wanted Jae to know about her regular meetings with Jimin and Rave wanted Jimin to express his honest feelings about Jae and Rave. She wanted Jimin to tell Jae the truth and not keep her in the dark.

Jimin and Rave dated after Jimin broke up with Jae.

However, if you want to remain stubborn and still class that as "cheating" then you can leave. Research what "cheating" or "affair" is before you comment such stuff. Thank you.

I can't believe I had to write up a whole chapter justifying Rave's goodness as a character because you all were doubting her, not to mention spewing your unnecessary hate on her. I already explained in my intro to not display any sort of hate on my characters, even if they're real people (which they are), I don't appreciate that nor will I tolerate that.

I hope you learned something from this.

New chapter is dropping this week.

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