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Jae's POV

It is now lunch time and I'm sitting with my girls in the classroom, remembering back to Taehyung's strange behaviour last night.

Thankfully my wrist doesn't hurt now, but I don't know what I did that made him do such a thing.

I suddenly hear laughing and scolding coming from the entrance of the classroom. I divert my gaze to the door and see Taehyung with Bomi entering along with the boys.

Me and Taehyung exchange glances and he rolls his eyes. Rude.

The boys walk towards us and greet us, except Taehyung, who's sitting at the front of the class with Bomi. I watch the way he teases her and flirts with her, holding her hand whilst he strokes her knuckles with his thumb.

"Hey there, my lady." I hear a familiar whisper. I smile and glance beside me, only to see Jimin with a bright smile on his face. He kisses my cheek and sits in front of me, blocking my vision of Taehyung and Bomi.

"Hey there, Chim." I smile.

He holds my hand and intertwines our fingers. "How are you?"

I nod and reply. "I'm great. You?"

He sends me an eye smile before answering. "I'm great too!"

I send him a smile and ruffle his hair as he laughs. I hear giggling coming from Bomi. I watch Taehyung flirting with her and whispering something in her ear. She glances at me with a smirk. Why is she smirking at me? And why am I constantly watching the way Taehyung flirts with her? I shouldn't even care.

"Jae?" I hear Jimin's voice. I snap out of my thoughts and glance back at Jimin. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah of course. Everything's fine...why?" I ask, hesitantly.

"It's zoned out when I was speaking to you." He replies, wearing a concerned expression.

"Oh I'm sorry, Jimin. What were you saying?" I ask.

"I was saying that Namjoon is holding a party tonight at his house. So...will you be able to come? I really want you to." He asks.

"Well...I'll try. That depends if I don't have any homework or anything to do." And then I smile.

He nods and kisses my cheek. "I hope you do come."

"Hopefully, Jimin." I reply and laugh.

~~ After school ~~

Taehyung's POV

The bell finally rings indicating the end of the school day.

I glance at Jae from beside me and call her. "Jae, you're coming home with me."

She furrows her eyebrows. "And why can't I go home with my friends?" She asks in a sassy tone.

I roll my eyes and reply coldly. "Stop asking silly questions and just do as you're told."

She sighs and nods.

I grab my bag and throw it over my shoulder. I wait for Jae to gather her things together. When she finally does, I walk ahead just so she follows.

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