Twenty Three

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Jae's POV

I slowly open my eyes and squint with the sun reflecting on my face. I look around and see that I'm laying on a bare chest with an arm wrapped around my waist. I frown and look up. My eyes enlarge when I find out who it is — Taehyung.

I gasp and sit up but groan in pain when I feel a sore sensation between my legs. I pull the bed sheets up to cover my naked body and glance at Taehyung who's fast asleep. I can't believe we actually did it.

I slowly and carefully get up from the bed. I glance at the mirror and spot hickeys all over my neck. My eyes widen in shock.

I grit in my teeth in pain when I feel the soreness between my legs. I check the time and find out that I only have half an hour to get ready for school. Oh great.

I take out my school uniform and hurriedly change into the bathroom and freshen myself up whilst Taehyung's asleep.

After I finished freshening up, I hurriedly do my hair.

Then I hear groaning. I look at the bed in the mirror and see Taehyung slowly waking up. This will be very awkward.

I pick up my bag and make my way downstairs without saying a word.

I decide to skip breakfast as I can't face him after last night. I'm starting to develop a headache — maybe because of that drink. But I had Pepsi, didn't I?

I shove the thought aside and walk towards the front door, when I feel something grab my wrist. I gasp and look behind me, only to see Taehyung standing there shirtless with a frown across his face. "Jae, why didn't you wake me up?" He asks calmly.

He isn't angry or mad? Normally he'd be mad at me for not waking him up.

"I, umm...we only have half an hour to get to school. We have our first exam today, so I thought you'd wake up on your own." I reply, gazing at him.

I've got to admit, he looks so ethereal and handsome with that morning look, with his hair disheveled even shirtless-

"Oh. I forgot." Then he places his palm on his head and groans. "Stupid drink."

I blush when I realise I've been staring at him for too long.

"Y-Yeah. I've got to go now. Make sure you arrive early for the exam." I reply, wanting to leave already otherwise I'll explode.

"Alright. Go on." He utters tiredly and walks off upstairs.

I sigh in relief and exit the house as quickly as possible. I blush harder while walking as my heart pounds in my chest. What's wrong with me? All of a sudden, I feel butterflies in my stomach when I think back to shirtless Taehyung. I've seen him shirtless many times and I still blush at that.

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