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Jae's POV
(The next day : Saturday afternoon)

I arrive home, after going to the cinema with the girls and the boys. Yep Taehyung and Bomi came along too...

I walk into the house, entering the living room, only to see that it's empty as silence filled the entire room. What's going on?

I walk upstairs to my bedroom when I suddenly hear voices coming from Mum and Dad's room. I decide to stand outside their room door, trying to overhear their conversation.

"Do you think this is the right decision for her?" I hear Mum speak.

"I think it is, honey. I don't like this decision either, but what other choice do we have?" Dad answers.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. What are they talking about?

"I'm not really sure about this...I mean she's in her last year of high school. She has exams coming up and she'll be finishing high school next month. Think about this again. This is our daughter's life we're talking about, here." Mum replies, with worry filling her tone.

My eyes widen. Why are they talking about me all of a sudden? What did I do this time?

I hear Dad sigh and he speaks again. "I know...I want what's best for her and I want to keep her safe and...I think this is the best decision."

Then there's a couple of seconds silence until Mum breaks it. "When are you planning on telling her?"

"Maybe...tonight. I don't have much time left and I need to...give Mr Kim what he wants." Dad says in sad tone.

Not wanting to hear anymore, I slowly and quietly walk into my room and sit down on my bed, thinking about Mum and Dad's conversation. So it obviously involves me and it must be a big decision. I guess I'm just going to have to wait until tonight.

I sigh and get my phone from my pocket and text the girls.

Taehyung's POV

I push Bomi on to the bed and kiss her hungrily.

Whilst in the heat of our make-out session, I suddenly hear a knock on my bedroom door.

Bomi pulls away from the kiss and utters in an annoyed tone, "Ugh...seriously..?"

I groan and back away from her slowly. "I'm sorry, baby." I simply say. And with that, I slide out of bed and walk towards my bedroom door. I open it, only to reveal my mother.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Taehyung, your father is calling for you in his study. He wants you there, now." She replies in a demanding tone.

I sigh and simply reply, "Alright." Then I look back at Bomi. "Sorry babe, I'll make it up to you." I wink at her.

She nods and gets up from the bed. I give her a quick peck to her lips and she exits the room.

I also exit the room and walk downstairs to father's study. I arrive outside his door and knock.

I hear his deep voice telling me to 'come in', so I open the door and see him sitting at his desk, skimming through paperwork.

He looks up at me and our eyes meet. He sends me a small smile as he places his paperwork aside and speaks up.

"Well son, I have something very important to tell you." He speaks in a stern tone.

Then I hear a sound of the door closing. I look back and see my mother entering the room. I look back at my father and wait for him to continue.

"Taehyung...your mother and I have had a serious conversation about you and your safety. So we came to a final decision." He continues.

I furrow my eyebrows and look at him with curiosity. Until he said something that shocked me. In which my eyes widen and my jaw drops slightly.

"You're going to marry Mr Han's daughter, Jaeyeon."

Jae's POV

After dinner time I thought of cleaning the kitchen for a bit, until I hear Mum and Dad calling me from the living room.

I walk inside the living room and see them seated on the sofa, looking up at me.

"Yeah? What's up?" I ask.

"Well...we have something to tell you." Mum speaks up.

It's probably what they were talking about this morning.

"Okay...go ahead." I reply.

"First sit down, sweetheart." Mum says calmly.

I nod and sit down on the sofa, waiting for one of them to proceed.

"Well...the matter is...your mother and I have been discussing about something...and it's regarding you."

"Oh...what did I do? If this is about me being cold with Taehyung, then fine I'll apologise to him when I go back to school on Monday, and we'll be friends after that. Okay?" I reply quickly.

"Um darling, we're talking about something else. But yes, your cold behaviour towards Taehyung has to change whilst you two are together for the rest of your lives." Dad answers.

I furrow my eyebrows and ask, "I'm confused here, what's going on? And can you both please get straight to the point?"

Then Mum instantly replies. "Okay fine. What your father's trying to say is,'re getting married to Taehyung."

Suddenly my sass mode switches on. "Excuse me?"


I'm sorry if this chapter was really short! 😅i didn't have any time to update my fanfics because of college, I'll try and update regularly.

The BTS 'HER' track list! And oh my gosh those L O V E concept photos 😍😍😭😭 BTS are gonna slay this comeback!

I've nearly hit 1K reads for this fanfic!😭😭😭thank you all so much, my lovely readers! Y'all are the best😎

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