Thirty Three

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Taehyung's POV

I slowly open my eyes and see that Jae isn't beside me.

She must be making breakfast downstairs.

I grab my phone from the bedside table and check my notifications. I receive a message from Bomi.

It's here, baby.x

I sigh and reply with an 'okay' and I get out of bed, making my way to the bathroom.

Next, I exit the bathroom and take my phone with me downstairs. I walk into the kitchen and see that breakfast is already served on the table.

I glance at Jae who's smiling and waving. "Good morning."

I smile slightly. "Morning." I simply reply.

"Come on, let's eat together." She motions me to sit with her.

I nod and walk towards her, kissing her forehead which causes her to blush. Then we both begin to eat.

I almost forgot how delicious her food always is.

I hold her hand and stroke it. I glance at her and catch her staring at me with shook eyes, as pink spreads across her cheeks.

Suddenly I hear my phone ring from inside my pocket. Taking my phone out from my pocket, I answer the call while eating. "Hello?" I answer.

My father's voice is heard on the phone. "Hello, son. I'm just ringing to let you know that your mother has arranged for a family dinner this afternoon. Jae's mother will also be there. Her father can't make it as he's dealing with some business overseas. So it's just us, her mother along with you and your wife."

While eating, I glance at Jae who's happily eating away.

What if I use that chance at the family dinner?

"Okay that's fine." I reply while eating my breakfast then hang up.

"Who was that?" Jae's asks, staring at me while eating.

I put my phone down and clear my throat before replying. "That was my father. He said my mother's holding a family dinner for us this afternoon."

"Oh, alright. Sounds fun." She simply says.

"Yeah. Make sure you wear your best clothes." I reply and smile.

She nods and continues eating.

I kiss her cheek and continue eating.

I hope the plan succeeds.

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