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Taehyung's POV

Now that the wedding's finished, I can finally go back home.

"Wait, Taehyung." I hear my mother's voice calling me.

I turn around and face her. I quirk an eyebrow and speak coldly. "What?"

She hands me some keys and glances at me. "They're the keys to your new house."

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Wait...new house?"

"Yes. I'm sorry your father and I didn't tell you. It was meant to be a surprise." Mother says, nervously.

I raise my eyebrows and glance at her with shock. "Wait so...you're telling me that...me and Jae are going to be living together?"

She nods. "Of course! You won't be living with your father and I. And Jae won't be living with her parents."

Oh my god! Can life get any worse?

Then I hear my father speaking from behind me. "Which means you'll have to take very good care of her. That's what I'm expecting from you and what the Hans are expecting from you."

I roll my eyes. Of course I won't take care of her. "Alright, whatever."

"And don't worry about your stuff, it's already been sent over to the house." Mum smiles.

I nod and sigh.

"Wait for Jae to come back. Her parents are discussing the same topic with her." Father adds.

I glance at him in confusion.

"You'll be the one driving to your new house and taking Jae with you. I've messaged you the address." He explains, sternly.

My eyes widen and just as I was about to speak up, he interrupts me. "No more questions asked. Just do as you're told."

I sigh in frustration. I can't believe this is really happening. I should have just ran away in the middle of the night while they were sleeping.

Jae's POV

Me and Taehyung are on our way to our new house, with an awkward atmosphere.

I bite my lip in uneasiness, trying to straighten my wedding dress out as a way to distract myself from this awkwardness.

"We've reached." He finally speaks. He stops the car and turns off the ignition. He unbuckles his seatbelt and exits the car, slamming the driver's door behind him.

He walks in front of the house, taking the keys from out of his pocket. This jerk is so rude, he didn't even bother to open the passenger door for me, like a gentleman. Why am I expecting this from him? Of course he wouldn't do that for me, seeing as we both despise each other.

I sigh and unbuckle my seatbelt. I open the door and step out of the car. I close the passenger door behind me, walking up to the new house, lifting the skirt of my dress up.

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