Thirty Two

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Jae's POV

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Jae's POV

We both arrive home after prom's finished.

Taehyung hasn't uttered a single word to me since Mark interrupted him.

He enters the house, taking his blazer off and throwing it on the sofa.

As he's about to make his way upstairs, I grab his arm. "Taehyung?"

He sighs and looks back at me.

"What were you trying to tell me? Whatever you wanted to say back at prom, you can tell me now." I speak while gazing at him, hoping he will answer.

I notice his eyes watering as we just stare into each other's eyes. "It's nothing important."

"It does seem important if it's affecting you, that you were so desperate to tell me." I answer, holding his hand. "Just tell me, Taehyung."

"I told you, Jae. It's nothing important. It's fine." He says, shaking his head.

"Are you sure?" I question. I'm not convinced.

"Yeah." He simply answers and makes his way upstairs.

I follow him up the stairs, on the way to our room and assure him. "You know you can tell me if there's anything wrong-" Then he closes the door before I could finish my sentence.

He probably just wants to be alone. I'll leave him to it.

It make my way downstairs into the living room and sit down on the sofa, contemplating.

This memory must mean something to him if he desperately wanted to tell me. If Mark hadn't interrupted him, I would've known.

I can't ask Taehyung again because he probably won't tell me now.

I think he's upset over it.

I should ask him about it but what if he still doesn't want to talk about it?


I slowly wake up and blink several times to regain my vision.

I glance beside me and see that he isn't here.

Next I look around and realise I'm in my bedroom. Did Taehyung carry me upstairs last night?

Brushing it off, I make my way to the bathroom to freshen up.

Once I finish freshening up, I make my way downstairs. Suddenly, I spot Taehyung in the kitchen, making breakfast. But I notice something weird about him. His hand doesn't move at all, in fact he's as still as a statue. It's as if he's zoned out.

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