Twenty Two

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A/N: Decided to write a long chapter for you guys to make up for the long wait. Thank you all for being so patient💜

In the meantime, enjoy one of my favourite Taehyung FMVs that I've attached above. Prepare yourselves towards the end of the chapter 😏


Jae's Birthday

Jae's Birthday

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Jae's POV

I walk downstairs and my eyes suddenly land on the decorations along the walls of the house. Walking around, I spot birthday banners and balloons around the house.

Then I spot a figure in the kitchen sticking birthday banners on the kitchen walls. Taehyung.

I enter the kitchen and stare at him. "Taehyung?"

He flinches and glances at me, sending a wide smile. "Yes, Jae?"

"What's all this?" I ask.

"It's for you, of course." Then he walks towards me and stops when our bodies almost touch. "Happy birthday."

I smile back softly. "Thanks."

Next, his face moves closer to my lips and our gazes lock. After many minutes of just staring, he gives my cheek a kiss. I feel a blush creeping up my cheeks.

He chuckles at my reaction and ruffles my hair. "Cutie. By the way, I have something special planned for you tonight. After school, make sure you come straight home, alright?"

I frown and nod in a suspicious manner.

He smiles and walks off. I look back at him with confusion. Kim Taehyung's being nice? To me?

He's only showing kindness to me because it's my birthday right? I know he doesn't truly mean it.

I know what he's like.

Taehyung's POV

"Bomi, are you crazy?" I ask.

"What? I'm only trying to make this day special for her." She replies, then smirks.

I shake my head. "I can't do this." 

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