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Jae's POV
The next day...

I sigh and walk downstairs in my short pink dress and black leggings. I enter the kitchen and show my mum. "Well, I'm ready." I speak in an unbothered tone.

My mum's head snaps to my direction and looks at me in awe. "You look beautiful, darling!"

I send a fake smile and nod.

I am actually ready because Taehyung's parents, including Taehyung himself, are coming over to discuss about the wedding preparations.

I'm surprised Taehyung agreed. Well I had to, as well. For the sake of my parents' happiness. Even though I despise the guy.

Suddenly my father walks into the room and smiles at me whilst complimenting as to how beautiful I look. I thank him and nod.

"Jae, when they're here, it'll just be me, said your mum and his parents. You and Taehyung are going to be alone, just to get to know each other a little bit more and please get along with him..."

My eyes widen as I stand up quickly, with my jaw dropping. "Why? I mean, alone? With him? Dad, are you serious?"

"Well that's what his parents and I decided on." He replies.

"Oh...right." I look down.

Suddenly, the doorbell rings. My eyes widen. I think they're here.

The door opens revealing Taehyung and his parents. Dad greets them and they walk into the living room together. Taehyung smirks and wiggles his eyebrows at me without them noticing. I send him a glare and shake my head.

"Jae sweetheart, why don't you go upstairs to your room with Taehyung?" Dad asks.

I sigh and fake a smile. "Yep, love to!" I reply in a pretentious happy tone.

I make my way upstairs first, with Taehyung trailing from behind me. Great. I'm going to be alone wth a boy who I really hate, who is also my bully's boyfriend and my boyfriend's best friend. And not to mention he is perverted.

I open the door and enter my bedroom. I hear the door close, so I turn around and see Taehyung's hand on the door handle. I furrow my eyebrows and shake my head. I sit down on my bed, glancing down at my fingers and fiddling with them, without uttering a single word.

I hear a sigh escape his lips. At the corner of my eye, I see him walking towards me slowly and sits down on the bed, beside me.

Instantly, the atmosphere in the room fell soundless. Pin drop silent, for more than five minutes. Then he broke the silence. "This is stupid. We're supposed to be making conversation and getting to know each other. What's the point? We already know each other."

I hum in reply and continue to stare at my fingers and fiddle with them. Gosh, what did I get myself into? Honestly? Taehyung out of all people?

"Your room's cute, by the way." He adds.

My eyes widens and I glance at him as I see a smirk plastered on his face, as his eyes explore every detail of my room.

"Th-Thanks." I stutter.

Then his head snaps to my direction and he smirks wider. "Babe, I'm bored. Shall we have some fun?" He asks, as he wiggles his eyebrows.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion and ask, "What do you mean?"

Suddenly, he pushes me on the bed, grabbing my wrists and pins them above my head. He hovers over me, with our lips just inches apart. He stares into my eyes intensely and bites his lips. "You know what type of 'fun' I'm talking about."

My eyes widen and I try to get out of his grasp. "N-No, Taehyung. Don't."

Taehyung smirks and leans his face towards my neck, as his lips brush against my skin, causing my breath to hitch. "Why not?"

"Taehyung, don't...if Jimin finds out about this, then he'll-"

"He will, what? What will he do?" He asks, in a stern tone, whilst kissing my neck softly. "Have you forgotten that I'm your boyfriend's best friend?"

I breathe heavily and try to slip my wrists out his hands, only for him to tighten his grip on them. His lips roam down to my collarbone as he plants kisses on them. I bite my lip to suppress any sort of noise wanting to escape.

Instantly, annoyance takes over and I utter, "Taehyung, you can stop now."

He stops and stares into my eyes. "Why? I wanted to explore more of my future wife, you know. Oh well, at least I'll get to see more of that after we're married." And with that, he smirks.

"Th-That's not going to happen..." I speak with a little fear in my tone.

He shrugs and replies, "You never know. It will happen." Then he chuckles.

"Right, can you get off me now?" I speak in a cold tone.

"Aww babe, why do you have to be so rude?" He asks in a mocking tone and lifts himself off me.

I sit up and sigh. "Number one, I'm not your babe. Number two, don't ever do that again."

He glances at me and smirks wider. "Don't worry, 'babe'. Those two things will happen more often."

Oh great. Just great. I really want to sass him out, right now.

Taehyung's POV

Don't worry, Jae. Wait until the wedding is over, I will make your life a living hell whilst you're with me. I'll never let you be happy.

You won't even smile once and you'll get everyday, is pain.

You'll regret separating me from Bomi.

I'll treat you like an animal or worse than that.

Don't worry...


Not okay, at the moment... 😢

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter...❤️

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