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Jae's POV
(The next day)

The sudden sound of my alarm wakes me up from my sleep.

I blink my eyes, regaining my vision and turn my face, gazing at a familiar figure who is fast asleep beside me. Taehyung.

I stare at his features, from his eyes to his lips. I watch how he hugs the pillow so tightly in his arms. How can someone look so cute in such a sleeping position?

Then I realised that this is the same boy who was the reason behind my tears last night. The way he snapped at me and told me to get out of his sight. That really hurt – I don't know why. I shouldn't have really cared about his words, but I did.

I shake my head and sit up. I discreetly get out of bed, being careful and quiet, trying not to wake him up. I grab my uniform from my wardrobe and quietly walk towards the bathroom.

I look back at sleeping Taehyung, wondering as to whether I should forgive him or not. He's hurt me before in the past and I guess I didn't really care.

I turn back round and make my way into the bathroom to freshen myself up and change into my uniform.

I exit the bathroom, changed into my uniform and see Taehyung still asleep. Should I wake him up?

Actually no, he can wake himself up. If he gets into trouble, that's not my fault. Not exactly a payback from last night, but it'll do.

I pick up my phone from the bedside table and slide it into my shirt pocket. I stand in front of the mirror and style my hair. Once I finished, I open the bedroom door and make my way downstairs to make myself breakfast.

I check the time and my eyes widen. I need to hurry up.

I hurriedly pour in a little amount of cereal in a bowl for myself and eat it in the kitchen. I place my bowl in the sink once I finished eating. I walk into the living room, grab my bag and slide it over my shoulder.

Not caring that I should wake Taehyung up, I exit the house and make my way to school with only little time remaining until it starts.

I walk into the classroom and glance at the time. I sigh in relief when I see that I'm 5 minutes early.

I make my way to my seat, greeting and hugging my girls.

"Jae, where is Taehyung? Wasn't he supposed to come here with you?" Mira asks.

I smirk slightly before replying sassily. "I couldn't be bothered waking him up. He can do it himself." Then I shrug and sit down on my seat. I hear laughter coming from them as they talk about how much of a sass princess I am. I smile proudly to myself. My mother honestly raised a legend.

Thinking about the devil himself, I wonder if he's checked the time by now or is still sleeping. I quite like this last-minute payback.

Suddenly, my phone vibrates inside my shirt pocket. I take it out and see Taehyung's name appear on the screen. Yep he's awake. I however won't answer it – I'll let him get into trouble. I slide my phone back into my shirt pocket and just let it vibrate wanting him to suffer. What can I say? I'm just proud of myself.

Then the teacher walks in and greets all of us and we do the same back. Then she starts off the lesson. I hear Taehyung's friends asking about him and why he hasn't turned up yet.

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