Twenty Five

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Third Person's POV

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Third Person's POV

Tick. Tock.

That's the only sound that can be heard in the exam hall. The sound of the clock ticking.

A part of Jae's mind wants this exam to end already but another part of her mind wants her to excel in this exam. She taps her pen against the desk lightly, trying to figure out on how to structure her answer.

Being pregnant during exams isn't easy. She's worried that any second now, she'll be dashing off to the girls' bathroom to throw up.

But I need to pass these exams. She wonders.

She glances at the clock only to find out there's only ten minutes left until the exam ends and she's stuck on the last question of the paper.

Her mind is all over the place. Then with a deep breath, she begins writing her answer.

Only one minute left until the exam ends and she's finally completed the paper. She skims through her exam paper to see if any of her answers need adding. Satisfied with her answers, she closes her paper and waits for the long hand of the clock to hit the next minute.

She impatiently taps her foot lightly on the floor and stares at the clock, wondering if it could go any faster.

Finally, the time was up. She breathes out a sigh of relief.

The staff collects their papers and starts dismissing them one by one. She stands up and grabs her bag, making her way out of the hall. She waits outside the exam hall for the girls.

As they all step out, Jae sees the girls and smiles. They all smile back and hug her.

Suddenly, the bell rings, indicating that it's lunch time. As they're all hungry, they decide to go for lunch first, so they immediately walk to the canteen together and discuss how the exam went.

Dee's POV

While eating and revising with the girls, I hear a familiar voice. "Um, hey."

I look up to the owner of the voice and see Haechan with a nervous smile while glancing at me. "Hi?" I reply, almost sounding like a question.

"Hi, Dee. How are you?" He asks.

I frown at his weird behaviour. "I'm are you?"

"I'm great..." Then he smiles widely.

This is when I notice something strange about him. "Haechan, what's wrong? Is everything okay?" I ask.

He gazes at me before speaking. "Everything's fine. I just wanted to ask" Then his words trail off. He rubs the back of his neck with an uneasy expression.

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