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Jae's POV

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Jae's POV

Walking in the corridor with the girls and they link their arms with mine, helping me to walk even though I'm recovering.

Suddenly, a poster on the noticeboard caught my eye. It reads something about end of year prom. "Wait girls, have you seen this?" I ask while pointing at the pointer.

The girls stop and gaze at the poster, probably reading the information on it. "Oh prom! I can't wait!" Dee speaks excitedly.

"Well obviously you can't wait. We all know who you're going with." Mira smirks.

Dee glances at her and raises an eyebrow. "Yeah as a single potato, thank you."

"What about Haechan?" Mira questions.

"What about him?" Dee asks.

"Aren't you going with him?" Mira asks.

"Well..." Dee answers unsurely.

From beside me, Ace and I spot Haechan glancing at Dee, waiting for her answer.

"Well?" Mira asks.

Just as Dee was about to answer, Haechan makes his way to us and greets us. We greet him back and smile.

Then he faces Dee. "Dee...can I ask you something?"

She nods. "Yeah, what's up?"

"Would you like t-to...umm..." He stutters, his face turning pink.

Dee stares at him, waiting for an answer. "Yes?"

He sighs and bites his lip. "Can you please lend me your science book?"

I raise my eyebrows, with a shook face. While Ace stands beside me with a pokerfaced expression and shakes her head. Mira facepalms while Rave stands there, emotionless – looking like she's zoned out. What's up with her?

Dee nods, taking her science book out from her bag and hands it to him. "Here you go."

"Th-Thanks..." He thanks her while taking the book from her and smiles.

Dee and Haechan gaze at each other for a few seconds until the bell rings, snapping out them of it.

"See you." Dee simply says, running off.

Ace shakes her head and smacks the back of Haechan's head.

"Ow!" He exclaims, rubbing the back of his head. "What was that for?"

"For being a pabo." She simply answers.

Haechan glances at her. "'s just now's not the right time to ask her out to prom." Then he blushes.

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