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Jae's POV

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Jae's POV

Days went by so quickly. We're nearing towards the end of high school. The bruises have healed, but the memories of that time still haunt me.

Taehyung apologised to me many times but I still didn't accept his apology. So in the end, he stopped apologising and just didn't care anymore. He still brings Bomi round here.

He's been hurting me more emotionally and physically just because I didn't accept the apology. I guess he hasn't learnt his lesson from my sisters. I haven't told them he's still hurting me, though.

Jimin doesn't speak to me anymore. Whenever I phone to check up on him, the call is always instantly declined. I don't understand what his problem is.

Then a knock on my bedroom door resonates across the room. "Come in." I speak.

The door opens and I see Bomi walking in. Why is she in here?

"Listen here, okay. I don't care that you and Taetae are married. He's still mine and I'm still his girlfriend. He wouldn't pick trash like you." She speaks with such confidence in her voice, folding her arms across her chest.

"What are you implying, exactly?" I ask in a sassy tone.

"That you should back off. He's mine." She instantly replies.

I snicker before responding. "You can have him. I don't even like him in that way. I have no intention of intervening in your relationship with him."

She scoffs. "Says the girl who's married to my boyfriend."

"I don't think you quite understand that this marriage was arranged. I didn't want to marry him, for your information." I snap.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that." She retorts.

"Why not-" Just as I was about to fight back, I see Taehyung walking in, sending me a glare.

"Jae, I don't think you learnt your lesson from this week. I don't like the way you're talking to her."

"Well I apologise that you're so offended by the way I'm speaking to her." I reply.

I shake my head and walk out of the room. Then I hear giggling and the closing and locking of the bedroom door. They'll probably be screwing again.

I roll my eyes and make my way downstairs. I enter the kitchen and lean against the counter.

All of a sudden, I feel tears brimming in my tears. Under all this suffering, I'm still trying to stay strong. I'm also hurt by Taehyung and the way he's hurting me is just unbearable. I don't know what I did that he's suddenly torturing me like this.

Next thing I know, I hear loud moaning and screaming coming from upstairs. I knew sinful sounds would be heard from the bedroom. Gosh, they're so loud.

My stomach rumbles in hunger. I decide to prepare lunch for myself. I look through the cupboards to see what I can make.


The end credits of the movie scrolls on the TV screen.

I hear footsteps walking down the stairs. I glance to the direction and see Taehyung and Bomi kissing each other goodbye.

She gave me a sly grin before walking out. I let out sigh of relief. I pick up my plate from the table and walk past Taehyung into the kitchen.

Holding the plate in my hand, I start washing it in the sink and I turn the tap off. After I dry the dish and put it away, seconds later, I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist which is none other than Taehyung's. Then I hear a whisper in my ear, "Just don't do anything."

I gasp when I feel his clothed crotch pressed against my backside. His minty breath fans my neck. One of his hands roam up my arm and stops to my shirt strap. My breath hitches when his lips start kissing my neck as he slowly pulls my shirt strap down.

My face heats up when he takes my shirt off and throws it on the floor. He turns me around and kisses my neck again with his arms trapping me against the sink. He lightly sucks on my neck causing me to let out a soft moan. I place my hands on his chest, trying to push him away.

His hands move along my body. "I really want you right now, Jae."

My eyes widen at his words. He kisses down to my collarbone and his hands grip my hips firmly.

"I-" Just as I'm about to answer, he cuts me off.

"Please..." He whispers against my collarbone.

Tears start forming in my eyes when I instantly remember the pain he caused me ever since we got married. How can I give myself to him so easily when he hurt me so badly? How can I, when he didn't even acknowledge me as his wife. I won't give in. I won't.

He caused me so much pain. He was the reason behind my tears. He was the reason behind my bruises. I can't do this.

I finally gain the strength and push him away. Tears start to fall. I swiftly grab my shirt from the floor and rush upstairs to our bedroom while wearing my shirt back on. I enter the room, closing the door and locking it. I lean against the door and cry to myself.

Did he really think that I'll give in to him so easily after what he did to me? I'm sick and tired of this. What have I done to him? I hate feeling like this.

I slide down against the door. I sit on the floor with my back still leaning against the door. I bring my knees to my chest and cry again.

I hate going through this every single day.



I thought of doing a double update cos why not? 😝

Plus my finals are round the corner so I won't be updating as much. I hope you all understand💖


I hope you enjoyed these two chapters!

Thank you all, my lovely readers❤️ I love you all so much, I honestly don't deserve you😭💕

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